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Make Your Voice Heard

Of course, I hope that you will vote for me, but more so, I just hope you will vote.
You matter. You have value. Your voice matters. Your voice has value. It is time to be counted.

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Register to Vote

If you have never registered to vote, please do so! That is the first step to having your voice heard. Use any web-enabled mobile device to scan the QR code or click the button below.

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Take the Census

The Census impacts the funding that is allocated to your community. Stand up and be counted! Use any web-enabled mobile device to scan the QR code above or click the button below.

Image by Alex Perz

Request Your Mail-in Ballot

All Tennesseans can choose to vote by mail for all 2020 elections. If you would prefer the safety of voting by mail and live in Hamilton County, request your ballot now by clicking the button below. 

Outside of Hamilton County, please visit to request your absentee ballot.


Please note: if it is your FIRST TIME VOTING in Tennessee, you should vote in person with your government issued photo ID.

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Find Your Legislators

If you do not know who your legislators are, please click the button below. You will put in your address and be provided the names and contact information of your legislators in the Tennessee General Assembly. 
Your legislators work for you! Whether I am elected or not, I urge you to stay in communication with your legislators because your voice matters.

Make Your Voice Heard: Issues
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